Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hi ya’ll

I have been on a cooking and baking frenzy (sort of). I made heath bar cookies courtesy of and brought them to the nurse staff at the hospital my cousin is currently at and it was a hit.  See, I’m the kind where I end up spending so much time prepping and cooking and fretting that I usually end up exhausted and not wanting to eat anything I make anymore.  But my cookies were a hit! They all loved it.  I also made bulgogi and bibimbap last night and it was not too shabby either.  Since I’m trying to start up this blog again and try to write more frequently, I’ll try to make it more interesting and post pictures next time.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

For coffee lovers

This is my new favorite obsession. I've always notice the Keurig coffee machines but never thought much about it. But walking in Costco I couldn't help but to be attracted to this little new technological device that promises to brew the perfect cup of coffee every time. It even has a "iced" feature. Yes, for you Iced Coffee/Tea lovers. My purchase included additional "k-cups" which are the little special cups that your coffee grounds or tea goes in. lovers!. You stick in your favorite coffee brand/flavor/type and throw it away after you are done. Also, they give you a reusable filter so you can use your own favorite grounds or if you dont want to keep buying the "k-cups." So that must be a winover for coffee I love the concept because then I don't have to measure coffee grounds, clean up and such us on-the-go have to deal with. Especially since I am the only individual that drinks coffee in the household it is perfect because it brews one serving at a time in under less than a minute. The machine is a bit more pricy than your average coffee brewer along with the "k-cups" But I calculated that it comes out to be a little over $.50 per cup. Not bad at all for a cup of gourmet coffee. That is even cheaper than getting it at the local gas station and especially for those that frequent starbucks for their lattes, mochas and what not.
P.S.- I'm drinking lemon iced tea made with the courtesy of my new machine.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Breakfast not-so-special

Wow. I know it's been awhile since blogging in here. Today is my first official day of "summer vacation" which only means plenty of time to catch up on house chores and school-related studying and assignments. Boo. This morning J and I went to a local diner to have some breakfast and I thought their "Mexican Tuesday" menu was their special of the day but apparently the listed items on the white board which I happened to overlook had breakfast specials. It wasn't til after I ordered off the menu and finished my food that I realized I coulda gotten the same thing for 3 dollars less. Hmmph!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Procrasination. What is it? Why are some of us so good at it??? I'm doing it as I'm blogging about this because I'm reluctant in writing a literature review which I've set a goal to get done by the end of this week. I think while I know if i get to work and get it done by my set goal time, then it will be ideal for me to leave the rest of next week to study for finals. But noo, maybe I need that added pressure in order to get things going so then I can reflect back and say "I knew I should have finished it earlier!" Psychologists say that "procrasination is a coping mechanism for anxiety associated with starting or completing a task." As a result, individuals end up feeling guilty, stressed and lacking personal productivity which ends up to even more of a inability to start/complete what they intend to do. Another trait that procrasination may reflect undoubtingly is: Perfectionism. In no way am I perfect but I guess that strive for perfection does play into my procrasination for certain tasks.

At least I have two sentences written, isn't that a start?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Got lower back pain?

If you are unfortunate like me to be blessed with tight hamstrings, you may be prone to lower back pain. Today my back is killing me. It was tight all weekend but I woke up with my lower back hurting. You may be wondering what do your hamstrings have to be with your lower back and that is because believe it or not, the hamstrings originate in your lower back. So try taking a break from sitting at your desk for too long by standing up and/or walking around and doing a few stretches to relieve the pressure on your lower back. Just google "hamstring stretches."

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Welcome to my first and official blog. Here you will find random and useless facts along with my daily randomness. Thanks for visiting.